
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Exploring Gotham

A while back I discovered a YouTube video explaining a glitch in Batman: Arkham City that lets you leave the Arkham City compound and fly around Gotham. Basically you settle onto a ledge, (I find that corners work best) and start throwing freeze bombs like crazy. Batman will rise higher with each throw, and after about 100 throws you can glide over the boundaries without being turned back. However, you can't land on anything in Gotham, so the higher you go initially, the farther you can glide, but eventually you'll drop below the ground into the abyss.

Below is good old Arkham Asylum from the first game. Obviously they didn't clear away all of Poison Ivy's plants, lazy bums.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Batman in Action

Today I thought I'd show off some Batman action shots, but first, here's a calendar with all the holidays circled where Calendar Man tells you a story (you visit him in the courthouse basement).

Batman goes duck hunting

Batman does a head smash.

A criminal contortionist.

A gut punch.

He never saw it coming.


Batman showing off his Sinestro ring.

Batman likes to live on the edge.

Why Batman is banned from the museum.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Video Game Photography

Long-time readers may recall my Pang 96! background collection which I've posted on here. Over the past few years I've also collected quite a few other screenshots from video games and online shows. It feels a bit like real photography, especially in the act of trying to set up shots. I often use Microsoft's Snipping Tool, but plenty of games allow one-button screen shooting. All games offered on Steam, for instance, allow you to take screenshots with the F12 key. Even this can be tricky though, depending on the shot you want. To get an action sequence, you have to time it right, to get the scenery, you want the right position, and it can be tricky to get the game to cooperate.

For the next couple of weeks or so I'll be focusing on shots I've taken from Batman: Arkham City. Following are screenshots I've taken from the menu section. There are a bunch of three-dimensional stills of Batman in action, and clicking through the options advances the sequence, picture by picture. Each time you cycle through the action sequence, there's a different villain at the end. There's a brief period where the buttons disappear and the scene is most uncovered, but only for a fraction of a second, unless your computer is slow. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I Have Returned!

I'm back, and I'm stepping things up! I hope to return to posting on a weekly basis again, now that I finally have the time and the content to justify it.  To start with, I've started a new Cheezburger site: WoW lols, where I've begun posting captioned screenshots from World of Warcraft.  Here's a sample:

Troll Hospitality

Also to come: select screenshots from games I've been playing on the Steam service, YouTube vids (some I've found, others I'll make), photography, and various miscellaneous musings, so come back soon!